
Strategic Excellence – Learning from the Best

When it comes to Strategic Excellence, Google, Apple, Amazon and Facebook are often cited as best practice examples. What makes these companies so successful? In his book ´The Four´, Author Scott Galloway shows that they have not only discovered new business models - they also satisfy basic needs and concentrate on what is essential: Amazon activates our archaic hunter-gatherer instinct, Google addresses our urge for knowledge, Facebook satisfies the need to connect with other people and Apple meets our desire to stand out from the crowd (Handelsblatt, August 31, 2018). However, there are also excellent small and medium-sized companies in Germany, whose success should inspire business leaders.

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Value-Added Strategy 4.0 in the Machinery Industry: More Value for your Customers - More Profit for your Business

Growing price pressure is becoming an increasingly daunting challenge for many companies in the machinery industry. The reasons are manifold: Saturated markets, more demanding customers, rapid technological progress and low-price competition from emerging markets.

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Why Companies (don´t) change

Agilty is the new management buzzword. It says that organizations should react quickly and flexibly to a changing environment or – ideally – that they should drive the change themselves before others do so. If they react too late, their very existence will sooner or later be at stake.

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Corporate Culture as a Competitive Advantage

Companies which ask themselves how they can strengthen their position amid ever stronger competition should take a look at their culture. Unlike hard competitive factors like, e.g., the price-performance ratio, technical product parameters or outstanding service and consulting, culture is invisible and difficult to measure.

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How to use Strategy Tools in the right Way!

Strategy tools are used to take decisions and to simplify and visualize complex situations. They are ´intelligence boosters´ which help us to do the right things - e.g. to decide whether a particular product should be discontinued or if entering a new market makes sense or not.

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Strategic Value Selling

Systematically create unique added value together with your customers - strengthen your pricing power – boost sales and profit!

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