
Avoiding Discounts through Value-based Pricing

Increasing price pressure is a universal phenomenon and many companies struggle to get their prices accepted by increasingly demanding buyers. An effective way to counter this trend is Value-based Pricing. The underlying logic is that if a company can convincingly demonstrate the unique value of its offering to the customer, it is in a far stronger position to charge a price that reflects this value.

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Strategic Marketing is more than Advertising

Manufacturers of complex technical products often believe that Marketing is synomymous with marketing communications. This includes producing sales literature, organizing trade fairs and publishing advertisements in the specialized press. However, with this thinking, companies only leverage a tiny part of Marketing´s full potential, because Marketing is more than advertising!

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Developing and implementing breakthrough Strategies for profitable Growth and competitive Advantage

In turbulent markets, a superior business strategy is the key to long-term success. Cost cutting and process optimization are necessary, but they are not sufficient for a company to remain competitive in the long term.

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Achieving Peak Performance in International Product Management

In a global world, International Product Management plays a key role. Products need to be adapted to the individual requirements of different markets and have to be sold locally. As intrapreneurs, product managers coordinate the international product development process and support their local partners with the introduction and marketing of new offerings.

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Leveraging Value Selling to escape Price Competition!

Many companies today are facing increasing price pressure and are looking for new ways to boost their profits. The prevailing view is that customers buy ex- clusively based on price and that they hardly appreciate any added value

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Strategic Value Selling

Systematically create unique added value together with your customers - strengthen your pricing power – boost sales and profit!

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